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Success Story: Newcomer Success

Posted November 23, 2023 in Articles and Resources

Yuk­ti was a new com­er to Cana­da and was unsure about where to begin her job search. Like many oth­ers, Yuk­ti applied to posi­tions through var­i­ous on line job boards but to no avail. While out for a walk, she hap­pened upon Com­mu­ni­ty Employ­ment Ser­vices (CES) and her life began to change. 

With the sup­port of the team at CES, Yuk­ti now had a pol­ished cov­er let­ter and rel­e­vant resume to tar­get her field of inter­est. The CES team was also able to con­nect Yuk­ti to employ­ers in need of her skills sets and strong work eth­ic. A few weeks after that fate­ful stroll, Yuk­ti was able to secure the job of her dreams. 

Yuk­ti shared, Upon arriv­ing in Cana­da, peo­ple kept telling me I need­ed a Cana­di­an edu­ca­tion to get a job in my field of inter­est, com­bined with the cur­rent job mar­ket sit­u­a­tion, I had lost all hopes and was utter­ly dis­ap­point­ed. Com­mu­ni­ty Employ­ment Ser­vices, like a light­house, guid­ed me through and through and in less than 3 months, I now have a ful­fill­ing career. I am so very grate­ful to Com­mu­ni­ty Employ­ment Ser­vices team”.

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This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.