Success Story: Newcomer Success

Yukti was a new comer to Canada and was unsure about where to begin her job search. Like many others, Yukti applied to positions through various on line job boards but to no avail. While out for a walk, she happened upon Community Employment Services (CES) and her life began to change.
With the support of the team at CES, Yukti now had a polished cover letter and relevant resume to target her field of interest. The CES team was also able to connect Yukti to employers in need of her skills sets and strong work ethic. A few weeks after that fateful stroll, Yukti was able to secure the job of her dreams.
Yukti shared, “Upon arriving in Canada, people kept telling me I needed a Canadian education to get a job in my field of interest, combined with the current job market situation, I had lost all hopes and was utterly disappointed. Community Employment Services, like a lighthouse, guided me through and through and in less than 3 months, I now have a fulfilling career. I am so very grateful to Community Employment Services team”.

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This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.