Welcoming Newcomers to Oxford County
- Permanent Residents
- Convention refugees and protected persons
- Individuals that have been selected to become permanent residents
- Foreign nationals with a temporary resident visa under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel

What is Settlement Services?
The Settlement Program provides comprehensive programs that assist newcomers in adjusting and contributing to various aspects of Canadian life.
Our Settlement Counsellors are ready to empower you to feel confident and connected and to help nurture your sense of belonging.
Community Employment Services aims to support newcomers’ settlement and integration by providing:
- Personalized support to navigate the challenges of settling into our community as a newcomer to Canada
- Direction, information, and orientation about available resources in the area
- Referrals to local support services as needed
- Strong community connections
- Conversation Circles, social events, mentorship matches, and volunteer opportunities
- Step-by-step plans for employment, education, housing, health care and improving English
- Guidance and assistance to complete IRCC forms and applications

Are you interested in our newcomer services? Let us know by filling out the form below. We will be in touch to help you through the process.