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Verspeeten Cartage

Verspeeten Cartage
Verspeeten Cartage has been a 100% family owned and operated company since 1953. As an award winning Truck Load Carrier to the Automotive Industry and a transporter of “just-in-time” parts to the North American Market, Verspeeten Cartage’s reputation speaks for itself. In 1999, we opened our state of the art facility located on 60 acres in Ingersoll Ontario, along side the 401. Designed for optimal efficiency and with high-tech systems in every area, our grounds are specially laid out and surfaced to improve our driver’s ability to enter and exit the facility in the safest, most time efficient manner.building Our 24/7 Maintenance Facility ensures all of our vehicles are well maintained and in optimal condition. Our 24/7 Operations Centre uses the latest technology to offer real time access to our extensive modern fleet. With our diverse and well maintained fleet and our proven record of delivering high quality service, on time – every time, our teams’ ultimate mission is to exceed your requirements for Quality, Service, Price and Technology at every turn.


Employees: Not Provided
Job Categories:
Installation / Maintenance / Repair,
Transportation / Materials Moving

Job Opportunities at Verspeeten Cartage

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This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.