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Whitelaw Machinery

Whitelaw Machinery
Custom Machine Work Large and Small Engine Lathe Work Machining Mill Work ISO 9000 Certified Chain and Sprockets Bearings (bronze, flange mount, pillow block, babbit) PTO repairs and new Drive shaft repair Custom Balancing Grinding and Corrugating (fluting)


Robert Whitelaw's Oxford Foundry & Machine Shop, outskirts of Woodstock. The plant was a typical general-purpose engineering shop as shown by the boilers and flywheels displayed outside. The list of work undertaken by the business covers every type of local trade: "Manufacturers of mill machinery and furnishings, steam engines, boilers, turbine water-wheels, dairy furnishings, iron and brass castings, etc. Cheese factory engines, boilers and fittings a speciality."

Employees: Not Provided
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Job Opportunities at Whitelaw Machinery

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