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Malcolm Holdings Inc. / Malcolm Excavating

Malcolm Holdings Inc. / Malcolm Excavating


Our company is very much a team effort. We look forward to working for new customers as well as serving our extensive existing customers. No job is too big or small; Malcolm Excavating has developed into a company that is capable of completing any job a customer has from $100 to $1,000,000.

Malcolm Excavating has worked for over 700 different farmers in Oxford County region helping them to expand business over the years. We have a strong, growing customer base in municipalities — Norwich Township, Oxford County, Norfolk County and Brant County, as well as farmers, builders and property owners.

Our success and achievements come from the dedication and hard work of each of our employees past, present and also in the future.

Employees: Not Provided
Job Categories:
Construction / Extraction

Job Opportunities at Malcolm Holdings Inc. / Malcolm Excavating

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